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  • Mikä kristalli sopii sinun horoskooppimerkkiin? - Tarotpuoti
    December 15, 2022

    Which crystal suits your zodiac sign?

    This is the most common question in the shop when a customer is looking for a crystal. The answer may not be as simple as you might think! Astrology is a universal tool that helps you know yourself better. From...

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  • Yoni-muna - Tarotpuoti
    December 2, 2022

    Yoni egg

    Today we will talk about a topic that has attracted a lot of interest on my Instagram page when I told about the use of the Yoni egg. I promised then to write a little more about it and open...

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  • Näin pidät kristalleistasi huolta - Tarotpuoti
    November 24, 2022

    This is how you take care of your crystals

    Crystals are good and powerful friends to us, we wear jewelry made from them, keep them as decoration at home or use them in energy treatments to balance the chakras. They bring changes, raise the vibration, make you feel better,...

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