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Miksi heiluri puhuu aina totta? - Tarotpuoti

Why does a pendulum always tell the truth?

How does the pendulum actually work and how does it know the right answers? Does a spirit or other entity respond to you through the pendulum? Do you perhaps talk to a deceased loved one while using the pendulum?

The answer is that you answer to yourself. The pendulum is just a tool to help you hear your body and soul more easily. Your body and soul know all the answers and with the help of the pendulum we can access them.

Our body is not just bones, fat and muscles, we have a soul and higher bodies such as astral (emotional body), etheric, mental, causal body, planetary body, lineage body and others. We live simultaneously in many different forms, on different levels, in different worlds and on different timelines. It is more familiar to us to be in this 3D form and experience all the shades and stages of humanity without remembering how "big" we really are. It is good to keep in mind that we are not just a body with a soul, we are a soul with a body. All information is available, and the quantum footprint of each event is almost eternal.

Our soul and subconscious already know all the answers to all questions and remember everything that has ever happened. In this way, we are connected to the whole Universe on many different levels.

When you use the pendulum and start asking questions, your body starts to make micro-movements, that's how the pendulum reacts only to you and precisely to those micro-movements. Your soul answers whether it is true or not, and communicates through your body. The kinesiological muscle test also works great if you don't happen to have a pendulum with you. In the same way, your whole body can act as a pendulum, when you just stand relaxed, ask questions and wait for an answer - if your body tilts forward, it can mean that the thing is true, and if your body leans back - that's not true. Of course, this requires practice and a good body connection and trust in your own body. Many of us live in a busy everyday life and inside our own heads, and we don't remember or feel how wise our bodies are. The good news is that we can practice it. Return to our body and listen. Using a pendulum is a good way to practice being in the body. Feel free to try without a pendulum as well, see how your body behaves when you ask questions. For example, in a grocery store, this is a good way to choose the right food for yourself, and maybe not as attention-grabbing as using a pendulum in front of the deli shelves. You can ask the pendulum many kinds of questions, it can help you make choices, strengthen the message given by intuition. Sometimes it can happen that the pendulum doesn't answer you, it's a message that it's not up to you to get an answer to that question if it's against your own values ​​and ethics, usually these questions are related to other people.

When you use the pendulum, you can ask it to show you which movement means yes and which means no. Malta between questions, the pendulum does not change direction immediately. At the beginning, you can always check how the pendulum reacts when you tell the truth and when you lie, for example by saying the sentences "my name is..." or "I'm... years old" are good calibration questions and you get confirmation of how your pendulum reacts to your body's messages. I've experienced it myself to work, use sentences and statements instead of yes or no questions.

The pendulum is a good assistant in many cases, especially when you need to get clear and simple answers. For example, I use a pendulum in chakra therapy when I need information on whether the chakra is rotating in the right direction, whether it now needs protection and whether all the work has been done correctly. Crystals work a little differently with each person because each of our energy systems is very individual. For this reason, it is good to make sure if the crystal is suitable for a certain task, and often when several crystals are used for this specific task at the same time, it is good to know how they fit together. The pendulum answers all these questions quickly and easily. Sometimes when I want to take a few crystals to help but I don't know which ones would be best, I place the crystals on the table in a circle and set the pendulum to swing in the center of the circle. Then I ask the pendulum to show me which are the best options, so it swings nicely in the direction where the appropriate crystal is. You can ask other things in the same way. It is good to clean the pendulum regularly, then it works better. If the pendulum is a crystal, it is cleaned in the same way as a regular crystal cleaning. The best cleaning is achieved if you take the crystals outside and put them under a tree for a few hours. Another option is coarse sea salt or sand. You can put the crystals in a cloth bag and the bag in a container, then you can pour salt or sand over it so that it covers the crystals completely. Such cleaning can take a day or two. After cleaning, you should dispose of the used salt and sand, it should not be used again for cleaning.

When you work with the pendulum, you don't need to ask for any additional assistants like holy light, angels, archangels or other beings, you are enough. When asking various entities to be present, it is good to keep in mind that not every being that lights you up and smiles at you really wishes you something good, it is always good to be sure of the source. We already have all the answers within ourselves, we just have to believe and trust and not externalize that power to someone else.

Awakening your inner strength starts with trusting your own body. When you trust, your body will soon start trusting you too. This is how intuition develops, the connection between soul and body.

- Luiza


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