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Sekalaisia eteerisiä ja aromaattisia öljyjä
- After Dark (5)
- Bach (1)
- Beatrice Anahata (1)
- Christina G Hagan (1)
- Clemente Hill (1)
- D. Gary Young, ND (1)
- Dennis Moeck (1)
- Destination Oils (7)
- Dr Ravi Ratan (1)
- Dr. Amanda L. Lukes, DC (1)
- Dr. Sharnael (1)
- Fiore d'Oriente (1)
- Gretchen King-Ann M.B.A. (1)
- Heather Gabbert, MS, RD, CD (1)
- Joanne Kan (1)
- Jonathan S Hunt (2)
- Karmen Price (1)
- Lauren Lingard (1)
- Lauren Marshall (1)
- Life & Science (1)
- Life & Science publishing (17)
- Life & Science Publishing (2)
- Mary Young (1)
- Maura McDanel (1)
- Michelle M. Truman, ED. D (1)
- Organic Goodness (3)
- Plant Therapy (150)
- Propos'Nature (38)
- Richard Bliss Brooke (1)
- Robert B. Tisserand (1)
- Rupert Granville Gates (1)
- Scott Cunningham (1)
- Simply Earth (2)
- Taropuoti (1)
- Tarotpuoti (19)
- Tarotpuoti Import (14)
- Teri Secrest (1)
- Unemployed Philosophers Guild (1)
- Young Living (3)
Blues Buster eteerinen öljy 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyThe effect of fragrant substances on the human psyche often results in improved mood. People around us seem friendlier, colors look brighter, music...
Se merOrganic Palmarosa eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOrganic Palmarosa has a soft, sweet floral scent and is often diffused to freshen up and sanitize the air. It is also considered to be an excellent...
Se merRavintsara eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyRavintsara Essential Oil originates from Madagascar and is extracted using steam distillation from the leaves of the large, evergreen Ravintsara tr...
Se merWild Chrysanthemum Absolute eteerinen öljy 2,5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyChrysanthemum, a perennial herb or sub-shrub, is known in India as Queen of the East. Wild Chrysanthemum Absolute has an exotic, warm, full-bodied ...
Se merSparkling Laundry Blends 10 ml ( Lavender )
Plant TherapyAdd the fresh, natural aroma of essential oils to your laundry day routine with our Sparkling Lavender Laundry Blend. This carefully formulated ble...
Se merMoldavian Dragonhead eteerinen öljy 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyMoldavian Dragonhead Essential Oil comes from the beautiful Moldavian Dragonhead plant, which produces vibrant purplish-blue flowers and a slight l...
Se merPorkkanan siemen Carrot Seed eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyMature and damaged skin got you down? Carrot Seed Essential Oil is here to the rescue! There are many essential oils out there that can help improv...
Se merKeylia : Ultrasonic Essential Oils USB Diffuser
INNOBIZPractical and discreet, you can take this ultrasonic diffuser with you for days in the office, on the move, at home or even in some cars. Thanks to...
Se merNeroli eteerinen öljy 2,5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyNeroli is the perfect essential oil for when you need a break from the world. This absolutely delightful and vibrant floral essential oil comes fro...
Se merAllspice eterisk olja 30ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyTa en sniff av Allspice, vad känner du? Dess oklanderliga varma, kryddiga doft påminner om kanel och kryddnejlika, men är subtilt sötare. Oavsett o...
Se merAustralian Sandalwood Organic eteerinen öljy 5ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyRevered for centuries in India and other parts of the far east, sandalwood is a wonderfully calming oil which helps reduce nervous tension and agit...
Se merAustralian Sandalwood eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyOriginating from Australia and steam distilled from the wood of the Sandalwood tree, Australian Sandalwood is a precious oil that has been cherishe...
Se merRose Otto eteerinen öljy 5 ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyThis fragrant essential oil is known for its wonderful, classic floral scent that is comforting and timeless. Rose Otto can be helpful during times...
Se merSeetrpuinen Pöllö diffuusori
Tarotpuoti ImportMukana tulee pullollinen laadukasta seetripuuöljyä. Voit halutessasi käyttää ihan mitä vaan mieluista eteeristä öljyä tai öljysekoitusta pöllön kan...
Se merEssential Oils : Your Aromatherapy Guide to Ayurvedic Healing - Dr Ravi Ratan
Dr Ravi RatanJourney Through Aromatherapy is a comprehensive guide to the healing and therapeutic use of essential oils on a physical as well as psychological l...
Se merEssential Oils : A guide to aromatherapy and essential oils - Lauren Lingard
Lauren LingardEssential oils have been intertwined with our history since before even Biblical times. Many ancient cultures practiced the extraction of a plant's...
Se merEssential Oils: Discover the Drug-Free, Safe & Inexpensive Way to Combat Anxiety & Stress with 20 DIY Recipes - Lauren Marshall
Lauren MarshallEssential Oils: Discover the Drug-Free, Safe & Inexpensive Way to Combat Anxiety & Stress with 20 DIY Recipes - Lauren Marshall Tuotteen ki...
Se merEssential Oils : Essential Oils for beginners your guide to healing with aromatherapy and essential oil recipes for beauty and health - Beatrice Anahata
Beatrice AnahataEssential oils are something that many people seem to love to try, and they have a wide variety of uses. But, what are the best ones? What are the ...
Se merEssential Oils : The Complete Reference Guide to Essential Oil (The Step-by-step Guide to Essential Oils From a-z for Weight Loss) - Clemente Hill
Clemente HillLearn how to expertly blend essential oils and create your own aromatherapy mixes to soothe your body, mind, and home.With 85 remedies that address...
Se merEssential Oils : Transform your Life with Essential Oils & Aromatherapy. DIY Recipes for Overall Health, Natural Beauty, Gifts and Curing Illnesses - Jonathan S Hunt
Jonathan S HuntIf you answered yes to any of the above, then this beginner friendly guide is for you! Inside the pages of this book, you'll learn how both easily ...
Se merEssential Oils : Their Properties, Identification and Analysis - Rupert Granville Gates
Rupert Granville GatesIf you answered yes to any of the above, then this beginner friendly guide is for you! Inside the pages of this book, you'll learn how both easily ...
Se merCrystals, Oils, and Decrees: 80 Cards of Inspiration - Dr. Sharnael
Dr. SharnaelCurious about how crystals, essential oils and decrees work together for your highest frequency and support?
Albert Einstein Lip Balm - läppbalsam stick
Tarotpuoti ImportGoda nyheter för missförstådda överpresterare! Bär med dig Albert Einsteins berömda formel överallt och låt detta mjukgörande balsam ge dig mjukare...
Se merSuppilo pienempi essential öljyille 1kpl
TarotpuotiMuovinen mini suppilo öljyille suppilon halkasija 3cm
Mangopuinen säilytysrasia eteerisille öljyille kukkakoriste 12kpl pullolle
TarotpuotiAromaterapialaatikko kukkakoristeilla (tilaa 12 pullolle) on valmistettu mangopuusta ja koristeltu käsin kaiverretuilla yksityiskohdilla. Tämä kaun...
Se merAromaterapia hopean värinen pallo kaulakoru
TarotpuotiCarry your favorite scent around with you all day! Silver necklace with cutout sphere pendant includes reusable felt insert for diffusing perfumed ...
Se merMänty Pinus sylvestre eteerinen öljy BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'Nature100 % puhdasta ja luonnollista eteeristä öljyä, joka on saatu höyrytislaamalla Pinus Sylvestris -neulasista. Alunperin Aasiasta kotoisin oleva puna...
Se merChill Out eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyChill Out eteerinen öljyseos 10 ml - Plant Therapy Chill Out on huolella luotu eteerinen öljyseos, joka edistää rauhan ja levollisuuden tunnetta. S...
Se merJasmine Tuoksupussi - Organic Goodness
Organic GoodnessSopii esim autoon, vaatekaappiin, kylpyhuoneeseen yms tuoksua tuomaan. Tuoksu: Madurai Jasmiini – lumoava ja piristävä Jasmin sambacin (Jasminum s...
Se merRespir Aid Synergy eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyRespir Aid Synergy eteerinen öljy 10 ml - Plant Therapy Respir Aid Synergy on huolella kehitetty eteerinen öljyseos, joka sisältää rauhoittavia ja ...
Se merObalma Lip Balm - huulirasva puikko
Tarotpuoti ImportSmooth on frida kahlo’s on the lips of dreams lip balm and paint your self-portrait with orange, lemon, and lime flavor. Net wt .15 oz (4.25 g) citrus
Mango-puinen säilytysrasia eteerisille öljyille (6 pulloa)
Tarotpuoti ImportMateriaali: Mango-puu Säilytyskoko: Sopii 10 ml eteeristen öljyjen pulloille, joiden maksimikorkeus on 65 mm ...
Se merOrganic Eucalyptus Globulus eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLuomu Eucalyptus Globulus on eteerinen öljy, joka on öljymaailmassa hyvin tunnettu ja sitä käytetään usein. Sen voimakas, aromaattinen tuoksu tekee...
Se merAromaterapia riipus "Lotus" eteerisille öljyille
TarotpuotiLotus pendant with a tinkling bell inside, also known as a pregnancy or harmony ball. Can also be used as an aroma pendant: Sprinkle the included l...
Se merLuomu risiiniöljy Organic Castor Oil 473ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLuomu Risiiniöljy on kylmäpuristettu Ricinus communis -kasvin siemenistä, ja se on välttämätön osa kauneudenhoitorutiiniasi. Täynnä antioksidanttej...
Se merMangopuinen säilytysrasia eteerisille öljyille AW 12kpl pullolle
Tarotpuoti5.0 / 5.0
1 Granskning av
Aromatherapy Floral Carved Box (holds 12 bottles) is made from Mango wood and it is embellished with hand carved designs. This pretty box will look...
Se merClear Intuition (Brow Chakra) eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyWhile our eyes guide our conscious physical direction, our 6th (Third Eye/Brow) Chakra sees inward for guidance from our inner connection. The abil...
Se merGaultheria eteerinen öljy BIO 10ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureKorianteria (Coriandrum sativum) pidetään virkistävänä ja antioksidanttisena aineena, ja sitä käytetään hoitotuotteissa ikääntyvälle iholle sekä vi...
Se merMonster Away Spray 237ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyVanquish all of the ghouls, goblins, and boogeymen from your child’s bedroom with our Monster Away Spray! Created for all the brave kiddos who batt...
Se merGemstone Roll-on 5ml pulloon - Musta turmaliini
TarotpuotiVaihtopää kristalli roll-on pulloon. Sopii kaikkiin valikoimassamme oleviin kristallipulloihin. With bamboo or golden lid, each gemstone roller bal...
Se merHiver eteeristen öljyjen sekoitus ROLL ON BIO 5ml - Laboratoire Propos'Nature
Propos'NatureNiaoulin, Ravintsaran, kamferirosmariinin, eukalyptuksen, hienon laventelin, geraniumin ja ylang ylangin eteeristen öljyjen synergian ansiosta tämä...
Se merBrain Aid eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapyn öljyt ovat erittäin laadukkaita, ammattikäyttöön sopivia tuotteita. Tuotekuvaus suomeksi: Brain Aid -eteerinen öljysekoituksemme koo...
Se merLuomu risiiniöljy Organic Castor Oil 940ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyLuomu Risiiniöljy on kylmäpuristettu Ricinus communis -kasvin siemenistä, ja se on välttämätön osa kauneudenhoitorutiiniasi. Täynnä antioksidanttej...
Se merCananga eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyCananga is an exotic and sultry essential oil with a warm, sweet, floral aroma. Even though it is a relative of Ylang Ylang, this floral has a soft...
Se merGemstone Roll-on 5ml pulloon - Sodaliitti
TarotpuotiVaihtopää kristalli roll-on pulloon. Sopii kaikkiin valikoimassamme oleviin kristallipulloihin. With bamboo or golden lid, each gemstone roller bal...
Se merGemstone Roll-on 5ml pulloon - Punainen jaspis
TarotpuotiVaihtopää kristalli roll-on pulloon. Sopii kaikkiin valikoimassamme oleviin kristallipulloihin. With bamboo or golden lid, each gemstone roller bal...
Se merOrganic Clove Bud eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapyn öljyt ovat erittäin laadukkaita, ammattikäyttöön sopivia tuotteita. Spicy and heart warming, Clove Bud essential oil is a powerful ...
Se merDouglas Fir eteerinen öljy 10ml - Plant Therapy
Plant TherapyPlant Therapyn öljyt ovat erittäin laadukkaita, ammattikäyttöön sopivia tuotteita. Douglas Fir has a strong, sweet, clean, piney-fresh scent with ...
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