This Might Hurt Tarot - Special Limited edition - Isabella Rotman
Upouuden Liminal 11 kustantamon julkaiseman TMH pakan limited edition.
Selling thousands of copies after exploding on Kickstarter, Isabella Rotman has created a deeply personal tarot deck that accurately and adoringly reflects her world; complicated and rich, queer and diverse!
This Might Hurt Tarot moves beyond a modern reimagining of Arthur Waite and Pamela Smith’s historic deck and is a loving portrait of the rich tapestry of Isabella’s life. Many cards are crafted from portraits of Isabella’s friends and family, ensuring everyone gets the spotlight in magical spaces.
This Might Hurt Tarot is immediately accessible for those starting on their tarot journey and is the perfect addition to any rebellious witch’s collection. Now re-imagined into this stunning special edition with the unique Liminal 11 touch!
What’s included:
- This Might Hurt Tarot deck, 79 cards with stunning iridescent foil gilding.
- A detailed tarot guidebook containing card descriptions, tarot spreads and an explanation of how to read tarot by Isabella Rotman, including a special forward from the author, tarot reader and witch, Melissa Cynova!
- Exclusive bonus oracle deck, This Might Help Oracle, featuring 34 cards with blue foiled fronts. This deck is a deeper exploration of the tarot symbolism that Isabella loves. Each card isolates and lovingly renders a single symbol (whether it be an object or animal) within the This Might Hurt Tarot. Each card’s meaning is derived from analysing the symbol it depicts within the greater context of its original tarot card and how to interpret that symbol separately from its original context. The This Might Help Oracle consists of 34 cards: 22 for the Majors and 12 for the Minors.
- A stunning faux book-style box with a linen cover and holographic foil details.
- An exclusive This Might Hurt Tarot Journal: reading the tarot is a self-reflective work: with every card you draw, you pull back the veil and gaze inward. This limited-edition journal encourages you to record your readings and thoughts and feelings about each tarot spread. The magic of tarot is in the interpretation and what you do with it!
- A certificate of authenticity with a limited edition number hand-signed by Isabella Rotman.
- This Might Hurt Tarot soft cotton illustrated scarf, with a stunning blue and white detailed illustrative pattern with many of the This Might Hurt Tarot symbols.
*Images have been digitally generated, and the final product may have minor variations.
Outer box dimensions: 250 x 180 x 80mm
This Might Hurt cards: 120 x 70 mm
This Might Hurt box: 135 x 89 x 67 mm
This Might Help cards: 120 x 70 mm
This Might Help deck box: 131 x 83 x 26mm
The standard edition will be available to pre-order from January 11th 2023
Isabella Rotman is a cartoonist and illustrator from Maine. Her art is usually about the ocean, mermaids, crushing loneliness, people in the woods, or sex. She is the author of A Quick and Easy Guide to Consent, illustrator and co-author of Wait, What?: A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up, and Artist in Residence at Scarleteen.com. Isabella was nominated for the Promising New Talent Ignatz award in 2017, and her comic Like the Tide was nominated for Outstanding Online Comic in 2020.
Modernin tarotin hieno edustaja - This Might Hurt Tarot
T-M-H Tarot on moderni versio perinteisestä Rider-Waite-Smith pakasta.
Isabella Rotmanin suunnittelema ja huippu lahjakkaan Duke Addisonin kuvittama pakka kunnioittaa RWS:n symboliikkaa ja kuvamaailmaa. Pakka vie kuitenkin pikavauhtia nykyaikaan, jättäen keskiaikaisen tarot yhteydet taakseen, sillä pakassa maisemat ja vaatetus on nykyaikaistettu. This Might Hurt Tarot on helppolukuinen ja samalla ihastuttavalla tavalla samaistuttava, juuri nykyaikaisen kontekstin ansiosta. Pakassa nousee ihastuttavasti esiin Queer -kuvataide ja pakkojen kuvitus kunnioittaa monimuotoisuutta.
Kuten suurin osa Tarot korteista, tämä pakka sisältää Ison Arkanan (22 korttia) ja Pienen Arkanan (56 korttia). Kaikki Ison Arkanan kortit ja jokunen Pienen Arkanan korteista kuvaa todellisia henkilöitä pakan tekijän Isabellan omasta elämästä. Hän kuvaakin pakan tekemistä iloiseksi prosessiksi ja toivoo että tämä välittyy myös pakan käyttäjille.
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Isabella RotmanKortin tekijä
Addison DukeVäritys Addison on Chigacoon asettunut värittäjä/kuvittaja Dynamite and Image Comicsilla. Addisonin viimeisimpiin töihin lukeutuu Charlie's Angels/Bionic Woman, Barbarella/Dejah Thoris ja Curse Words. Seuraa Addisonia Twitterissä @AddisonDuke. |
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