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The Divining Hand - Christopher Bird

Alkuperäinen hinta LE 1,587.00 - Alkuperäinen hinta LE 1,587.00
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To dowse," says the author of this definitive study of the divining art, "is to search with the aid of a handheld instrument such as a forked stick or a pendular bob on the end of a string - for anything: subterranean water flowing in a narrow underground fissure, a pool of oil or a vein of mineral ore, a buried sewer pipe or electrical cable, an airplane downed in a mountain wilderness, a disabled ship helplessly adrift in a gale, a lost wallet or dog, a missing person, perhaps a buried treasure." Co-author of The Secret Life of Plants, Christopher Bird has filled this book with exciting, documented stories, most of them illustrated with photographs and diagrams. It provides a complete history of the art of dowsing around the world and discusses in detail the various existing theories attempting to explain this extraordinary phenomenon. Paperback. Author: Bird, Christopher. Number of pages: 372.

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