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Loitsut & rituaalit
- Albert Björn (1)
- Alexander Skye (1)
- Amy Blackthorn, Natalie Zaman (1)
- Anjou Kiernan (3)
- Ari Haasio, Markku Mattila, Elisa Kannasto (1)
- Arin Murphy-Hiscock (3)
- Catharine Allan (1)
- Christopher Penczac (1)
- Christopher Penczak (6)
- Cory Thomas Hutcheson (1)
- Cory Thomas Huthcheson (1)
- D.J. Conway (1)
- David Rankine, Sorita D'Este (1)
- Dayna Winters (1)
- Deborah Blake (1)
- Denise Alvarado (1)
- Denny Sargent (1)
- Devin Hunter (1)
- Diana Rajchel (1)
- Diane Ahlquist (2)
- Diane Purkiss (1)
- Diego de Oxossi (1)
- Fanrong Chiza (1)
- Gypsey Elaine Teague, Orion Foxwood (1)
- Hannah Hawthorn (1)
- Ileana Abrev (1)
- Jacki Smith (1)
- Jason Mankey (1)
- Jason Mankey & Laura Tempest Zakroff (1)
- Jaya Saxena, Jess Zimmerman (1)
- Jennifer Lane (1)
- Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe (1)
- Jon G. Hughes (1)
- Josephin Peladan (1)
- Judy Ann Nock (2)
- Julia Halina Hadas (1)
- Katariina Laiho (1)
- Katrina Avila Munichiello (1)
- Kelly Cree, Jessica Mullen (1)
- Kelly-Ann Maddox (2)
- Lidia Pradas (1)
- Lily Hart (1)
- Lisa Chamberlain (2)
- Lisa Marie Basile (1)
- Liz Dean (1)
- Lucy Cavendish (1)
- Lynn Myring (1)
- Madame Pamita (1)
- Maia Toll (1)
- Maia Toll, Lucille Clerc (1)
- Maijastina Kahlos (1)
- Mari Silva (1)
- Marie Bruce (1)
- Mark Harris (1)
- Marla Brooks (1)
- Mat Auryn (2)
- Melissa Cynova (1)
- Meri Mort (2)
- Michael Furie (1)
- Michael Johnstone (1)
- Mike Barfield (1)
- Mike Brain (1)
- Mikki Van De Car (1)
- Minerva Siegel (1)
- Morwyn, Carol Dow (1)
- Nancy Hendrickson (1)
- Nicola McIntosh (1)
- Nikki Van de Car (1)
- Pamela Ball (1)
- Paula Havaste (1)
- Raymond Buckland (2)
- Reetta Ranta (1)
- Reginald Scot (1)
- Renata Lopez (1)
- Richard Alan Miller (1)
- Richard Webster (2)
- Rieka Moonsong (1)
- Risa Dickens, Amy Torok (1)
- Salakirjat (1)
- Sandra Kynes (1)
- Sarah Binborough (1)
- Sarah Faith Gottesdiener (1)
- Sarah Lyons (1)
- Scott Cunningham (2)
- Scott Cunningham, David Harrington (1)
- Sharon Day (1)
- Skye Alexander (1)
- Sonia Lazo (1)
- Sophie Saint Thomas (1)
- Sorita D'Este (1)
- Starr Casas, Orion Foxwood (1)
- Storm Faerywolf, Christopher Penczak (1)
- Suzannah Lipscomb (1)
- Tarotpuoti (2)
- The Money Witch (1)
- Theodosia Corinth (1)
- Thorn Mooney (1)
- Virginia Chandler (1)
- Vivienne Moss (1)
- Xavier Portebois (1)
The Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick : Your Guide to Crafting Charms, Rituals, and Spells from the Natural World - Judy Ann Nock
Devin HunterThe magic of witchcraft never dies. Harness the power of nature-based magick, including herbal charms and remedies, cleansing rituals, crystal heal...
Katso lisääThe Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World (Witchcraft & Spells) - Judika Illes
TarotpuotiThis is the definitive celebration and exploration of all facets of witchcraft, serving as a complete reference book but also as a source of entert...
Katso lisääAnimal Spells and Magick - Marla Brooks
Marla BrooksWe love our pets and want the best for them. Sometimes a little magick works wonders—and you don't need a magick wand or a cauldron to make wonderf...
Katso lisääOld Style Conjure: Hoodoo, Rootwork, & Folk Magic - Starr Casas, Orion Foxwood
Starr Casas, Orion FoxwoodTuotteen kieli: Englanti Old Style Conjure: Hoodoo, Rootwork, & Folk Magic on syvällinen opas perinteiseen hoodooon, juurimagiaan ja kansanperi...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Guide to Wands: A Complete Botanical, Magical, and Elemental Guide to Making, Choosing, and Using the Right Wand - Gypsey Elaine Teague ja Orion Foxwood
Gypsey Elaine Teague, Orion FoxwoodTuotteen kieli: Englanti The Witch's Guide to Wands: A Complete Botanical, Magical, and Elemental Guide to Making, Choosing, and Using the Right Wa...
Katso lisääLlewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic - Cory Thomas Huthcheson
Cory Thomas HuthchesonLlewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic - Cory Thomas HutchesonKieli: Englanti Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magi...
Katso lisääDivination Rules: 100 Tips for Flawless Fortune-Telling - Catharine Allan
Catharine AllanTuotteen kieli: Englanti Divination Rules: 100 Tips for Flawless Fortune-Telling - Catharine Allan Divination Rules tarjoaa 100 käytännön vinkkiä e...
Katso lisääMagic - Sarah Binborough
Sarah BinboroughTuote on englanninkielinen. Magic on Sarah Binborough'n kirjoittama teos, joka sukeltaa taikuuden mystiseen maailmaan. Kirja tutkii taikuuden histo...
Katso lisääWitch Please: Magical Musings on Life, Love, and Owning Your Power - Sonia Lazo
Sonia LazoTuotteen kieli: Englanti Witch, Please: Magical Musings on Life, Love, and Owning Your Power on kuvitetun rakkauskirjeen kaltainen teos nykyaikaisi...
Katso lisääIcelandic Folk Magic: Witchcraft of the North - Albert Björn
Albert BjörnKirja on englanninkielinen. Pehmeäkantinen, 200 sivua. Sukella islantilaiseen kansanmagiaan, jatkaen kirjoittajan aiempaa työtä. Se tarjoaa käytänn...
Katso lisääThe Museum of Witchcraft - Diane Purkiss
Diane PurkissKieli: Englanti The Museum of Witchcraft on visuaalisesti upea ja kiehtova katsaus noituuden ja magian historiaan sadan esineen, käytännön ja symbo...
Katso lisääSocial Media Spellbook: 366 Ways to Get Witchy on the Web - Amy Blackthorn, Natalie Zaman
Amy Blackthorn, Natalie ZamanSocial media is part of our lives, and it’s an increasingly popular place for witches of all kinds to meet and create new spells. On TikTok, Instag...
Katso lisääWeb of Light: Rites for Witches in the New Age - Morwyn, Carol Dow
Morwyn, Carol DowWeb of Light describes in vivid detail the secret rituals performed in the witch's coven. Rituals of psychic development, spells, enchantments and ...
Katso lisääWitch's Book of Potions: The Power of Bubbling Brews - Michael Furie
Michael FurieFeaturing more than 90 easy-to-follow recipes and detailed instructions on using potions in your practice, this fun, accessible book is a must-have...
Katso lisääCeltic Cauldron: Rituals for self-care and manifestation - Nicola McIntosh
Nicola McIntoshUsing the cauldron for ritual, creation and manifestation.The cauldron has always been a symbol of magick and creation and played an integral role ...
Katso lisääLiving Wands of the Druids: Harvesting, Crafting, and Casting with Magical Tools - Jon G. Hughes
Jon G. HughesPractical Guide to Crafting Natural Wands for Magical Work Tämä opas tarjoaa kattavan lähestymistavan luonnollisten taikasauvojen valmistukseen ja ...
Katso lisääOnnen loitsut - 7 x 7 taikaa - Paula Havaste
Paula HavasteTiesitkö, että kun kumppani on löytynyt ja lemmenvaloja vannotaan, yhteisen päätöksen tueksi voi lupauksen lukita loppuiäksi? Sitä varten tarvitaa...
Katso lisääThe Modern Witchcraft Introductory Boxed Set #1: The Modern Guide to Witchcraft, The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book, The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire - Skye Alexander
Skye AlexanderStart casting spells and holding rituals today with this enchanting boxed set featuring three titles in the Modern Witchcraft series introducing ...
Katso lisääMoney Magic: Practical Wisdom and Empowering Rituals - The Money Witch
The Money WitchIf you've got powerful witch energy, but your bank account isn't feeling quite so powerful, this may be the book for you. Author and Money Witch Je...
Katso lisääBook of Divination: A Guide to Predicting the Future - Michael Johnstone
Michael JohnstoneSince the dawn of time, humans have sought to predict the forces of fate. Whether telling the future or gaining insight into the past, we have used...
Katso lisääKitchen Table Magic: Pull Up a Chair, Light a Candle - Melissa Cynova
Melissa CynovaTuotteen kieli: englanti Kitchen Table Magic: Pull Up a Chair, Light a Candle – Melissa Cynova Tämä käytännönläheinen ja helposti lähestyttävä opas...
Katso lisääHekate's Return: A Deep History of Witchcraft - Mark Harris
Mark HarrisHekate's Return is for readers who enjoyed Circe, The Broken Earth Trilogy, and other character-driven fantasy with rich story worlds. Long, long a...
Katso lisääHekate : Invocations to Achieve Success and Economic Prosperity - Fanrong Chiza
Fanrong ChizaTABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Recommendation Invocations for personal consecration Invocation to heal oneself and self-forgive Invocation to brea...
Katso lisääNew Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-Enchantment - Risa Dickens, Amy Torok
Risa Dickens, Amy TorokTuotteen kieli: englanti New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-Enchantment on voimakas ja feministinen opas uudenkuun magi...
Katso lisääSpellbound: The Secret Grimoire of Lucy Cavendish Hardcover – Lucy Cavendish
Lucy CavendishLearn your craft, cast the spells, and watch your life become magickal.Here is a book of spells to empower you! Spellbound is about connecting you...
Katso lisääThe Discoverie of Witchcraft - Reginald Scot
Reginald ScotThey sacrifice their owne children to the divell before baptisme, holding them up in the aire unto him, and then thrust a needle into their braines...
Katso lisääTrolldom: Unlocking the Traditional Magic Practice of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland (Spriritual Paganism) - Mari Silva
Mari SilvaTuotteen kieli: englanti Trolldom: Unlocking the Traditional Magic Practice of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland on syvällinen johdatus pohjoism...
Katso lisääMagical and Ritual Use of Herbs - Richard Alan Miller
Richard Alan MillerIn this fascinating study of nineteen different herbs, this book offers a thorough examination of plants that not only stimulate our energy, but al...
Katso lisääSpell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects - Scott Cunningham, David Harrington
Scott Cunningham, David HarringtonFeel the energy that flows through everything you do. Tap into that power! Carve a symbol, dip a candle, mix fragrant herbs, sculpt clay, and make ...
Katso lisääAdvanced Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose - Raymond Buckland
Raymond BucklandSeize control of your destiny with the simple but profound practice of Advanced Candle Magick. Ray Buckland's first book on candle magick Practical...
Katso lisääMixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends - Sandra Kynes
Sandra KynesTuotteen kieli: englanti Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends – Sandra Kynes Tämä käytännönläheinen opas tarjoaa k...
Katso lisääRevolutionary Witchcraft: A Guide to Magical Activism - Sarah Lyons
Sarah LyonsA fiery, intersectional guide for activists and witches alike, Revolutionary Witchcraft is an empowered introduction to the history and practice of...
Katso lisääBrother Kell's Book of Spells - Mike Brain
Mike BrainThe day Cormac is asked to join his father and the Earl, he is shown a scroll containing a map of land boundaries. Then, Cormac gathers a crew incl...
Katso lisääTraditional Brazilian Black Magic: Secrets of the Kimbanda - Diego de Oxossi
Diego de OxossiKimbanda, while often demonized as a form of a Satanic cult, is actually far from it - rather, it is the tradition of Afro-Brazilian black magic, a...
Katso lisääSacred Objects Sacred Space - Dayna Winters
Dayna WintersThis is an essential guide for all Witches wanting to go beyond the basic understanding of Magickal tools. Starting out with fundamental informatio...
Katso lisääThe Satyr's Kiss : Queer Men, Sex Magic & Modern Witchcraft - Storm Faerywolf, Christopher Penczak
Storm Faerywolf, Christopher PenczakThis practical guide to Witchcraft both embraces and celebrates queer men through an impressive collection of spells, rituals, and exercises. The S...
Katso lisääWalking in Beauty: Using the Magick of the Pentacle - Phoenix Le Fae
Anjou KiernanThis book offers exercises and techniques that use the pentacle as a framework to manifest joy, recognize beauty, and bring balance to your life. ...
Katso lisääBasic Witches: Raise Hell with Your Coven - Jaya Saxena, Jess Zimmerman
Jaya Saxena, Jess ZimmermanBasic Witches: How to Summon Success, Banish Drama, and Raise Hell with Your Coven A lifestyle guide full of DIY how-tos for the modern witch. Told...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Broom : The Craft, Lore and Magick of Broomsticks - Deborah Blake
Deborah BlakeTake a magickal flight into the history, tradition, and modern uses of broomsticks. Whether sweeping the floors or helping with spells, rituals, a...
Katso lisääThe Witch's Heart The Magick of Perfect Love & Perfect Trust - Christopher Penczak
Christopher PenczakKieli: Englanti The Witch's Heart: The Magick of Perfect Love & Perfect Trust tarjoaa käytännönläheisiä ohjeita rakkauden ja luottamuksen maagi...
Katso lisääCircle Of Fire: A Practical Guide To The Symbolism & Practices Of Modern Wiccan Ritual - David Rankine, Sorita D'Este
David Rankine, Sorita D'EsteWicca is an initiatory magickal tradition incorporating both Pagan spiritual philosophies and witchcraft practices, with ceremonial magick. In doi...
Katso lisääCart Full of Magic - Ileana Abrev
Ileana AbrevA Cart Full of Magic: Your Secret Supermarket Shopping List Transform your local supermarket into a magical place you never knew existed! Bring som...
Katso lisääSanta Muerte - Xavier Portebois
Xavier PorteboisSince the Ecstasy, new technologies make death almost impossible, except if one behaves like a moron. It is therefore quite sheepish that Esteban ...
Katso lisääThe Magick of Birthdays: Rituals, Spells, and Recipes for Honoring Your Solar Return - Hannah Hawthorn
Hannah HawthornCelebrate your special day—and yourself—with simple rituals in this modern guide to ancient spiritual traditions.Your birthday is the ultimate mome...
Katso lisääMoon, Magic, Mixology: 70 Celestial Drinks - Julia Halina Hadas
Julia Halina HadasTuotteen kieli: Englanti Moon, Magic, Mixology: 70 Celestial Drinks tarjoaa 70 kosmista cocktailreseptiä, joiden inspiraationa ovat kuu ja sen ener...
Katso lisääTea Reader: Living Life One Cup at a Time - Katrina Avila Munichiello
Katrina Avila MunichielloTea Reader: Living Life One Cup at a Time – Katrina Avila Munichiello Kieli: englanti Koskettava kokoelma henkilökohtaisia tarinoita teekupin äärel...
Katso lisääCommon Magick: Origins and Practices of British Folk Magick - A.C. Fisher Aldag
Pamela BallCommon Magick: Origins and Practices of British Folk Magick – A.C. Fisher Aldag Kieli: englanti Tutustu Britannian saarten kansanmagian perinteisii...
Katso lisääSamhain: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Halloween - Diana Rajchel
Diana RajchelSamhain―also known as Halloween―is the final spoke in the Wheel of the Year. At this time, the harvest has finished and the veil between the wor...
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