Journeys through the Akashic Records: Accessing Other Realms of Consciousness for Healing and Transformation - Shelley A. Kaehr PhD, Dr Linda Howe
Guide Your Soul’s Path with the Invisible Library of Ultimate Knowledge
Journey into the divine depths of the Akashic Records and access your unique soul information. Packed with hands-on exercises―including past-life healing, psychic protection, and meeting otherworldly guides―this groundbreaking book empowers you to find meaningful answers to life's most important questions. The Akashic Records consist of all thoughts, deeds, and actions that have ever been created in the past, present, or future. Since her near-death experience in 2000, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD, has accessed this cosmic storehouse frequently. Now she teaches you how to enter the records for yourself and shares historical examples, client stories, insights from famous seers, and more. This phenomenal book helps you heal past-life issues, reveal your soul purpose, and enjoy greater awareness and peace.
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