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Treasure Trove Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesSamalta tekijältä löytyy meiltä myös kuusi toistaan upeampaa lisäosaa. Loot drops and treasure hoards – organized by challenge rating, and written ...
Katso lisääWandering Monsters Box Set (5E) - Nord Games (Kickstarter)
Nord GamesSamalta tekijältä löytyy meiltä myös kuusi toistaan upeampaa lisäosaa. Monster encounters by environment for your 5th Edition games. Choose in adva...
Katso lisääJ.K. Rowlingin velhomaailma - Maaginen arkisto : Magiaa : osa 3 - Bonnie Burton
Bonnie BurtonTutustu J. K. Rowlingin velhomaailmasta kertoviin elokuviin pintaa syvemmältä!Velhomaailmassa vilisee lumottuja esineitä taikasauvoista ja kilpaluu...
Katso lisääHarry Potter - Tylypahkan salaisuudet - Kelmien kartta - Erinn Pascal
Erinn PascalTAIKASAUVAKYNÄN VALO PALJASTAANÄKYMÄTTÖMÄN KIRJOITUKSEN!Tylypahkan linna koostuu lukemattomista torneista, käytävistä ja portaikoista, joissa oppil...
Katso lisääHarry Potter - Taikasauva-arkisto - Monique Peterson
Monique PetersonJokaisella taikasauvalla on oma tarinansa.Harry Potterissa jokainen taikasauva on yhtä ainut-laatuinen kuin noita tai velho, joka sitä käyttää. Tek...
Katso lisääA Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch - Sarah Hawley
Sarah HawleyCalladia Cunnington curses the day she met Astaroth the demon, but when he shows up memoryless, why does she find him so helpless . . . and sort o...
Katso lisääUnofficial Harry Potter Cookbook : A Culinary Adventure With 90 Magical Recipes For Wizards And Non-Wizards - Jimmy Black
Jimmy BlackIndulge in Your Nostalgia and Make Your Next Meal Special With Mouth-Watering Recipes From the Magical World of Harry Potter! Have you ever wonde...
Katso lisääThe Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook : 80+ Amazing Recipes for Wizards and Muggles - Muriel VanDorn
Muriel VanDorn80+ Amazing Recipes from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Hitch a ride on the Hogwarts Express and eat just like Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid...
Katso lisääThe Harry Potter Wizarding Almanac: The Official Magical Companion to J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books - J. K. Rowling
J. K. RowlingThe only official companion to the seven spellbinding novels about the Boy Who Lived, fully illustrated and superbly sorted – the perfect gift ...
Katso lisääHarry Potter: Herbology Magic: Botanical Projects, Terrariums, and Gardens Inspired by the Wizarding World - Jody Revenson
Jody RevensonBring the study of Herbology into your garden, with this comprehensive activity book inspired by the Harry Potter films. Packed with 25+ projects, ...
Katso lisääHarry Potter: The Wand Collection - Monique Peterson
Monique PetersonKirja on englanninkielinen. Harry Potter -elokuvissa jokainen taikasauva on yhtä ainutlaatuinen kuin sitä käyttävä noita tai velho. Hermionen tyyli...
Katso lisääPandemonium (Delirium Trilogy, 2) - Lauren Oliver
Lauren OliverThe second book in Lauren Oliver’s New York Times bestselling trilogy about forbidden love, revolution, and the power to choose. In this electrifyi...
Katso lisääBy Astrolabes & Constellations - Cristina Querrer
Cristina QuerrerFull-length collection of poems explores an interweaving and melding of worlds and experiences; it is an ebb and flow of awareness, bridging togeth...
Katso lisääLegenda neljännestä tietäjästä - Henry van Dyke
Henry van DykeLegenda neljännestä tietäjästä tarina kertoo Artaban-nimisestä viisaasta ja rikkaasta miehestä, joka näkee taivaalla enteen, kirkkaan tähden, ja ai...
Katso lisääAtlas of Imagined Places : from Lilliput to Gotham City - Matt Brown, Rhys B. Davies
Matt Brown, Rhys B. DaviesWINNER, Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards 2022: Illustrated Travel Book of the Year. HIGHLY COMMENDED, British Cartographic Society Awards 2022...
Katso lisääThe House Witch 2 : 2 - Delemhach
DelemhachHouse witch Finlay Ashowan must contend with matters of the heart, hearth, family, and kingdom in the second book of a whimsical and winning fantas...
Katso lisääBoss Witch (Fix-It Witches, 2) - Ann Aguirre
Ann AguirreThe second in an adorable witchy rom-com series by New York Times bestselling author Ann Aguirre, perfect for fans of: Ride-or-die female friendsh...
Katso lisääExtra Witchy (Fix-It Witches, 3) - Ann Aguirre
Ann AguirreThe third in an adorable witchy rom-com series by New York Times bestselling author Ann Aguirre, perfect for fans of: The bonds of sisterhood A ca...
Katso lisääHere be Witches : The Snowdonia Chronicles: Book Two - Sarah Mussi
Sarah MussiAll Ellie Morgan wants is to be with her one true love, Henry. But she's caught in the middle of a BATTLE as old as SNOWDON itself. A battle betwee...
Katso lisääHere be Wizards : The Snowdonia Chronicles: Book Three : 3 - Sarah Mussi
Sarah MussiEllie's dreams of being with Henry, her ONE TRUE LOVE, are not going to happen. Not while Henry is trapped under a mountain BATTLING with his arch-...
Katso lisääHere be Dragons : The Snowdonia Chronicles: Book One : 1 - Sarah Mussi
Sarah MussiEllie Morgan wants a boy who's all hers. Just for once, it would be nice to meet someone that Sheila (the cow) hadn't got her claws in to. A remote...
Katso lisääAgatha Christie's England - Herb Lester Associates (kartta)
Herb Lester Associates"turistiopas/kartta" Englannin jännittävimpiin kohteisiin.... A guide to real-life locations associated with Agatha Christie, the best-selling auth...
Katso lisääThe Secret City : A Spy's Guide To London - Herb Lester Associates (kartta)
Herb Lester Associates"turistiopas/kartta" Lontoon jännittävimpiin kohteisiin.... The world's great powers have waged discreet war in London's streets. This conflict has...
Katso lisääThe Lark Ascending - George Meredith & J.G. Folivéli
George Meredith & J.G. FolivéliA Peculiar Parish Edition by George Meredith & J.G. Folivéli16 pages, with silver foil Green Man logo on the cover and black-and-white illustra...
Katso lisääEveryone Is Beautiful: A Novel - Katherine Center
Katherine CenterLanie Coates’s life is spinning out of control. She’s piled everything she owns into a U-Haul and driven with her husband, Peter, and their three l...
Katso lisääNight Fairies book – Paolo Barbieri
Paolo Barbieri5.0 / 5.0
1 Arvostelu
Night Fairies – Paolo Barbieri Kirja on englanninkielinen. Night Fairies sukeltaa yön taianomaiseen maailmaan, jossa auringonlaskun jälkeen todelli...
Katso lisääPandora : The instant no.1 Sunday Times bestseller - Susan Stokes-Chapman
Susan Stokes-ChapmanLose yourself to the mystery and romance of Susan Stokes-Chapman's no.1 bestselling novel, which brings Greek myth to Georgian London'A gripping na...
Katso lisääArcane Arts: The Dungeoneer's Guide to Miniature Painting and Tabletop Mayhem - Noxweiler Berf
Noxweiler BerfLearn how to paint exciting miniature creatures and elevate your tabletop experience, with Arcane Arts.Professional miniature painter and instructo...
Katso lisääLovecraft Compendium - H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. LovecraftA collection containing the five stories that reference one of H. P. Lovecraft's greatest creations: Cthulhu. They include; 'Dragon', 'The Call of ...
Katso lisääEarly Morning Riser - Katherine Heiny
Katherine Heiny'Gorgeous. Very, very funny in a knowing wry way but so tender, so beautiful. I loved all the characters.' Marian Keyes 'Warm, witty, touching - an...
Katso lisääCthulhu: Dark Fantasy, Horror, & Supernatural Movies - Gordon Kerr
Gordon KerrCthulhu is an iconic figure that has terrified generations and inspired imagination since first brought to life by H.P. Lovecraft. This book descri...
Katso lisääUnicorns 101 - Cale Atkinson
Angela A. WixA hilarious picture book for kids ages 3-7 that sets the record straight about unicorns. Learn never before revealed and mind blowing facts about u...
Katso lisääOracle Of Ur - Penny Barron
Mandy MorrisWHAT IS THE POINT OF KNOWING IF NOBODY WILL LISTEN? In ancient Sumer, 3800 BC indentured and forced into prostitution to survive, a reluc...
Katso lisääCthulhu Casebooks: Sherlock Holmes Miskatonic Monstrosities - James Lovegrove
Microcosm Publishing & DistributionCthulhu Casebooks: Sherlock Holmes – Miskatonic Monstrosities – James Lovegrove Kieli: englanti Tämä kiehtova kirjallinen risteytys yhdistää Arthur...
Katso lisääTale of Magic... - Chris Colfer
Chris ColferWhen a young girl discovers a secret section of the library, she discovers an amazing book that helps reveal that she's capable of magic! But in th...
Katso lisääGrimm Fairy Tales Tarot Vol. 1 - Joe Brusha, Renato Rei
TarotpuotiGrimm Fairy Tales Tarot Vol. 1 – Joe Brusha, Renato Rei Kieli: Englanti Tarotien mystinen veljeskunta on noussut varjoista tavoitteenaan hallita Vo...
Katso lisääUnicorns kirja - Paolo Barbieri
Diana CooperPaolo Barbieri shows us a new fantasy vision, illustrating Unicorns as they never have been before. It won't just be the beauty of the images th...
Katso lisääStar Wars: The Galaxy's Greatest Heroes - Titan
Star WarsStar Wars: The Galaxy's Greatest Heroes – Titan Kieli: Englanti Tämä teos vie lukijan kulissien taakse selvittämään, kuinka Star Wars -universumin ...
Katso lisääDungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms Poster Book - Dungeons & Dragons
DnDTeleport yourself to the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons with these licensed art posters!* OFFICIALLY LICENSED: An authentic Dungeons &...
Katso lisääGame of Thrones: A Guide to Westeros and Beyond: The Complete Series - Myles McNutt
Game of ThronesBound in gorgeous gold and silver foil, this remarkable volume celebrates and explores the complex stories, relationships, and world building in HB...
Katso lisääUnicorn Being A Jerk - C.W. Moss
C.W. MossA hilarious illustrated book based on the popular online comic reveals that unicorns are not the majestic creatures we think they are but are in fa...
Katso lisääEverything I Need to Know I Learned from Dungeons & Dragons - Shelly Mazzanoble
Shelly MazzanobleEverything I Need to Know I Learned from Dungeons & Dragons: One Woman's Quest to Trade Self-Help for Elf-Help Paperback. From the creative min...
Katso lisääPraedor-roolipeli 2.0 Pelinjohtajan kirja - Ville Vuorela, Petri Hiltunen
Ville Vuorela, Petri HiltunenPRAEDOR on fantasiaroolipeli Petri Hiltusen samannimisten sarjakuvatarinoiden maailmasta. Se kertoo Jaconiasta, maailman sirpaleesta, joka on jääny...
Katso lisääPraedor-roolipeli 2.0 Seikkailijan kirja - Ville Vuorela, Petri Hiltunen
Ville Vuorela, Petri HiltunenPRAEDOR on fantasiaroolipeli Petri Hiltusen samannimisten sarjakuvatarinoiden maailmasta. Se kertoo Jaconiasta, maailman sirpaleesta, joka on ...
Katso lisääDungeons & Dragons Art & Arcana: A Visual History - Michael Witwer
DnDAn illustrated guide to the history and evolution of the beloved role-playing game told through the paintings, sketches, illustrations, and visual ...
Katso lisääWarriors & Weapons (Dungeons & Dragons): A Young Adventurer's Guide – Jim Zub, Stacy King, Andrew Wheeler, Official Dungeons & Dragons Licensed
Official Dungeons & Dragons LicensedThis introductory guide to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is an illustrated primer to many of the characters you can play in D&D, along with their esse...
Katso lisääFairies, Mermaids, & Other Mystical Creatures: Artist Trading Cards - Renee Mallett
Sandra Anne TaylorArt Cards, Editions, and Originals (ACEOs ) are the modern offshoots of art trading cards. Running the gamut from traditional watercolor paintings ...
Katso lisääThe Atlantis World - A.G. Riddle
A.G. RiddleThe Atlantis World – A.G. Riddle Kieli: englanti 70 000 vuotta sitten ihmiskunta oli lähellä sukupuuttoa. Selviytyminen oli ihme – mutta kukaan ei ...
Katso lisääFiktiiviset teokset, spekulatiivinen fiktio ja populaarikulttuuri.